What is the Frequent Traveller Saver policy and what does it cover?

The Frequent Traveller Saver policy is our 12 month multi trip policy and is available to travellers aged 75 years of age and under.

  • Provides cover for unexpected: cancellation, overseas medical emergencies, lost/damaged/stolen luggage and personal effects, travel delays, missed connections, accidental death, permanent disability, loss of income, personal liability, loss of travel documents and credit cards and theft of cash.
  • Available for all international and domestic trips and can be tailored to suit the trips you will be taking.
  • Unlimited number of trips within the first 12 months.
  • Maximum period for any one journey is shown on the Certificate of insurance. You can choose from a maximum period of 15 days, 25 days, 40 days or 63 days. If you will be staying longer than the maximum period for any journey, you can add cover for the additional days by paying an additional premium.
  • Benefit limits and sub-limits are reinstated on the completion of each journey, except for the Personal Liability benefit and the Rental Vehicle Excess benefit (if you have chosen to add this benefit to your policy by paying the additional premium). The amount shown in the Benefit Summary of the PDS is the most we will pay for all claims combined under the Personal Liability, and the Rental Vehicle Excess benefit for the duration of your policy.
  • For an additional premium, your accompanying spouse/partner and dependant children/grandchildren can be covered if they travel with you 100% of the time.
  • Cover for cruising.
  • Cancellation cover starts on the date you have specified on your policy, not on the policy purchase date (unless you specify the purchase date as the date that you wish for the policy to commence).
  • Cover for snow sports is available for an additional premium.

Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

Please note: any advice is general advice only and has not taken into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider the PDS prior to deciding whether this policy is right for you.