Airports, airlines and flights
- Does travel insurance cover flight changes?
- Can I claim to book a flight with another airline if my airline changes my flight to a time that doesn't suit me?
- Can I claim for a change to my airline ticket?
- Am I covered if I miss my international flight because my domestic flight is cancelled?
- I've missed my flight - can I claim for the cost of buying a new ticket?
- My flight is delayed and I miss my connecting flight to my cruise, what can I claim for?
- Am I covered if my domestic flight is cancelled at the beginning of my trip?
- if the airline gives me a full credit for my airfares, but my new fares are more expensive, can I claim for the extra cost?
- The airline returned my air miles in full because I couldn't fly, but I can only use them in 6 months time. Can I claim for the cost of my new flights?
- Am I covered if the airport strikes?
- Am I covered if my International flight is delayed coming back to Australia and I miss my Domestic flight?
- Are airline operational issues (not enough staff, technical or mechanical) covered?
- Am I covered if there is an airport strike?
- Am I covered if my flight has been cancelled due to bird strikes?
- Is a civilian covered if they fly on military transport such as the RAAF?