Am I still covered if my COVID-19 diagnosis was confirmed by a RAT and not a PCR test?

As specified in our PDS, you must confirm your COVID-19 diagnosis with a:

  • Confirmed PCR test, or
  • Written confirmation from your medical practitioner
If, due to your particular circumstances, you are not able to obtain a PCR diagnosis or written confirmation from your medical practitioner, you must provide details stating the reason why you were not able to do a PCR test. 

As everyone's situation will be different, all claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis.


  • There is no cover for the costs of any COVID-19 testing unless undertaken as part of your hospitalisation.
  • As each individual’s circumstances are different, our claims team will assess each claim on a case by case basis.

Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).